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Why Shiva is recognised as 'Hara' and Narayana as 'Hari'?

In sanskrit literature there are several meanings and synonyms to this particular name.

But regardless to this,

Hari is synonymous to Lord Vishnu and Hara is synonymous to Lord Shambhu.

Have you ever heard some saying "Hari Aum" and "Hara Hara Mahadeva." This 2 phrases are very commonly used in our country(BHARATA🇮🇳).

Whenever we are in trouble or in some kinda chaos, we utter this phrases to pacify our interal and external energies towards a certain equilibrium.. and does it really works?

In our culture, we not only saw our voices and the sounds that we can utter, as a verbal or a linguistics. We recognised it as a form of vibrations and energies to attain certain equanimity in our physiological, psychological, cosmological and the very biological systems of a being. The sound we produce can create an enormous amout of energy or it can destroy your whole mentality(the choice is yours). The very mantras we utter has a certain reverberation that can activate your whole system in a particular way. 


"Aum"- It's not just a sound, It is a primordial sacred syllable, it holds an enormous amount of realisation and energy within itself. Even the scientists of our era has proven the benefits and how it effects your mental, physical and chemical body in a different ways. The very universe and the cosmos has the same vibration and frequency as the word "Aum" holds.


Let's jump towards the meaning of Hari and Hara!

– Hari is the name of The supreme Lord Vishnu. Vishnu has infinite names and addresses but one of the most uttered name of Vishnu is Hari. 

In Sanskrit, Hari is the one who removes and takes away all the darkness, illusions, miseries and sins... The one who is the absolute and the reason for our existence and liberation.

When we say Hari Aum, we are activating our system to have a concious connection with the divine or the nature. Combining Hari with the powerful sound vibration of Aum is believed to remove sins, bad karma and suffering.

When we chant Hari Aum on a repetition, you automatically creates an aura, an aura with the pure bliss. You can also meditate on Hari Aum. Meditating on Hari Aum is said to activate the chakras, thereby enabling kundalini energy to move upward from the base of the spine through the sushumna nadi (spinal energy channel). 

–Hara is the name of the supreme Lord Maheshwara. Mahadeva or Shiva has infinite names and addresses, each names have different yet ironic meanings. But the most common phrase is "Hara Hara Mahadeva" we utter it on our regular basis without understanding the real meaning or the nature of it.

In Sanskrit literature, Hara means the one who destroys, kills, terminates or the one who brings everything to an end.

According to the Elements of Hindu Iconograpy, Hara is the sixth of the eleven emanations of Rudra (ekādaśa-rudra). 

There are several meanings,

But Hara is the one who Destroys and terminates our illusion, jealously, miseries, sorrows, sins and ignorance.

When we utter "Hara Hara Mahadeva" It means we are surrendering towards the Lord of Lords to destroy our ignorance, pain, illusion and obstacles. 

In MahaBharata, Aranya parva, Kirata Khandam elaborate:

गतेषु तेषु सर्वेषु तपस्वीसु महात्मसु ।

पिनाकपाणिर्भगवान् सर्वपाप हरो हरः ।।

All the Mahatman and Tapasvis went away. Lord Hara is the Bhagvan who holds Pinaka in his hands and does Harana (destruction) of all sins.

It is not ‘Har Har' but 'Hara Hara' (like in Haran) meaning 'termiate or destroy'.

As per Beej-aksharas, Ha stands for Ethereal or Akasha element and Ra stands for Prakruti (universal PurusHa & Prakruti).

MahaDeva means Lord of the Lords or God of Gods. The one who's supreme among the Gods and Lords.

Coming back to "Hara Hara Mahadeva" one may get uncertain and doubtful why we utter "Hara" twice not only once.

"Hara Hara Mahadev" is 'Almighty God who terminates all kinds of Sins and who Destroys the very 'cycle of Life and Death'

Another consequences or a theory is to hail both 'Sada Shiva' and ‘Adi Shakti' as a 'Almighty Gods' simultaneously..!





Shiva: Shiva means “that which is not.”

Narayana: Narayana is also defined as the 'son of the primeval man', and 'Supreme Being who is the foundation of all men'. 'Nara' means 'water' and 'man' and 'Yana' means 'vehicle', 'vessel', or more loosely, 'abode' or 'home'

Vishnu: Vishnu means 'all pervasive' and, according to Medhātith (c. 1000 CE), 'one who is everything and inside everything'.

Shambhu: Shambhu means the auspicious one. It is a very rare and very gentle form of Shiva.

Bharata: Bharata is an another name or an ancient Sanskrit nams of our Country India🇮🇳.

Maheshwara: Maheshwara means the Supreme Lord. It's an combination of 2 sanskrit words "Maha and ishwara" hence, Shiva is Maha-ishwara. 

Maha means supreme and ishwara means Lord.

Rudra: Rudra means 'roarer' or 'howler', when associated with the God of storms, according to Rigveda. 

Rudra is praised as the 'mightiest of the mighty'. Rudra means "who eradicates problems from its roots".

Ekādaśa-rudra: Ekādaśa-rudra means Eleven Rudras. Ekādaśa means eleven in sanskrit. Shiva has incarnated himself in the form of 11Rudras. Hanumana the Bhakta(Devotee) of Lord Rama is recognised as 11th Rudra avatara(incarnation) of Shiva.

Pinaka: Pinaka is an Sacred of Lord Shiva. The Pinaka is also recognised as Shiva Dhanusha. The Pinaka Dhanusha is given by the Shiva to his dearest devotee King Devaraatha, the ancestor of King Janaka. It is mentioned in the epic Ramayana, when the Rama the 7th avatara(incarnation) of the Lord Narayana breaks it to win Janaka's daughter (Mata Sita) as his wife.

PurusHa: The Masculine form of energy (Shiva).

Prakruti: The Feminine form of energy (Parvati).

SadaShiva: SadaShiva is the Supreme Being Lord Paramashiva in the Mantra marga Siddhanta sect of Shaivism. Sadasiva is the omnipotent, subtle, luminous absolute and eternal.

Adi-Shakti: According to Hindu mythology, Adi-ParaShakti—the Goddess or Devi—is the Supreme Being who is recognised as Para Brahman. The Devi Bhagawata Mahapurana suggests that Adi ParaShakti is the original creator, observer and destroyer of the whole universe. In short, she is Adi Shakti.



My Name is Anish Nair..

I tried my best to introduce you about this topic in a very simple and non-complex way.

Hope you'll gonna love it.

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